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14 New-ish API's for Developer Inspiration

Written by Pete Prestipino | Sep 20, 2012 5:00:00 AM

The use of third-party services within applications is absolutely skyrocketing. If your app isn't connected to or integrated with the features of other leading apps, count on your Web or mobile app getting about as much attention as a buggy whip.

In this issue of Website Magazine's Design and Development Digest, let's look at a few API's worthy of inclusion in your next project. We're not going into detail on these specific API's (remember, this is only about "inspiration") so instead, just think of all the myriad possibilities you could achieve with one or more of those listed below.

API's to integrate advertsing, survey functionality, big data analysis, learning and more are included below. If there is an API that you believe deserves our attention and some exposure with our audience, let us know in the comments section below!


Launchbit - Email Advertising Network

Integrate functionality such as accessing ad information, retrieving zones, codes and statuses.


Craigslist - Bulk Posting 

Provides an interface for submitting multiple posts in a single request.


Chartboost - App Promotion Platform

Platform for developers to monetize apps through suggested alternative apps.


AffiliateSpice - Content Monetization

Platform that converts standard links to affiliate links.


Satisfeo - Survey Functionality

Collects responses from app users after interacting with functions.


30Loops - Infrastructure Development

Offers integration functionality for developers looking to connect backend resources and deployment tools.


Google BigQuery - Large Dataset Querying

Run SQL-like queries against large datasets - best for interactive analysis.


Viral Ninjas - Viral User Acquisition Platform

Integrates various features of the viral marketing platform into other apps.


PipeDrive - Sales Management

Enables developers to access Popedrive functions into their own systems.


ScienceLogic - IT Operations Management

Customize and automate data center and private cloud monitoring.


Crowd.fm - Event Listing Management 

Developers can access and integrate event data from the service within their apps.


Geosophic - User analytics for Mobile Gaming

Developers can access behavioral data from users to create user profiles which can be used to segment players for marketing.


UpTrends - Website & Resource Monitoring Service

Offers API methods for supporting basic CRUD (creating, reading, updating and deleting) monitoring rules.


Amazon Glacier - Cloud-based Data Archiving

Users can create vaults to organize archives, and upload, retrieve and monitor status of jobs.