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Website Magazine Interview Exclusive - Managing Redesign

Written by Peter Devereaux | Mar 23, 2010 5:00:00 AM

We spoke with Pinckney Hugo Group's Executive Vice President Aaron Hugo and Senior Interactive Designer Adam Jwaskiewics to get their opinions on website redesign - the criteria, processes and objectives. Pinckney Hugo Group is a full-service marketing firm that offers traditional services such as print, radio and television, as well as interactive services.

AH: Right now, over the past year-plus, it's complete redesigns. What we're really seeing is clients asking us to help lead them through a navigation planning process. It's about really understanding the way a customer would logically go through their site. What are the most important functions and features of their site?

AJ: The nature in which people use websites has changed in the last 10 years, such as social media aspects, sharing, and posting. With most clients that we're seeing, they realize design is more than a pretty picture on a home page. People are really using the Web differently. So, clients understand a lot of planning has to happen before developing.

AH: A lot has to do with how flexible a company is. How well will you hold my hand through this process? If we need to make changes in the end, if we need to relearn something, will you be there to help us? Halfway through the process, if we need to change, how well can that be accommodated, and is there an upcharge?

AJ: I believe a client should be able to ask their partner to lead them through the process. Garbage-in-garbage-out needs to be eliminated.