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New LinkedIn Homepage Design Rolling Out

Written by Peter Devereaux | Feb 6, 2015 6:00:00 AM

LinkedIn announced a redesigned homepage back in December, and it seems like the new layout is finally beginning to show up for some users.

The new layout is all about the user according to LinkedIn. At the top of the homepage, for instance, users can view a new dashboard that offers instant feedback, such as how many people have clicked to view the user's profile and data for how the user's status updates are performing.

"Click on either one to get deeper insights into what's resonating with the connections you care about. Learn who found you - from that CEO to a long-lost friend - and how they found you, plus how you rank across your connections, within your company, and other LinkedIn members like you. Make quick edits to your profile - which help us surface better opportunities, news, and connection ideas for you - with a single click," the LinkedIn announcement states.

It is also important to note that the new layout makes it easier for users to nurture professional relationships, thanks to the "keep in touch" box on the right of the profile. With this box, users can share a comment or like an update quickly. Then, below the top dashboard users can view their newsfeed, which highlights professional insights, posts and articles. This area is now separated from the user dashboard more than it was previously, but still enables users to stay up to date with content that has been shared by their connections and influencers.