Managing Distributed Workforces with Capriza Micro Apps

Distributed work forces are becoming increasingly common but does your enterprise have a solution in place to effectively manage these workers - particularly those looking to make a quick buck from the gig economy? Probably not but solutions are emerging to do just that.

Enterprise mobility platform Capriza, for example, a company which provides a solution to turn business applications running on platforms including Oracle and Salesforce into "micro apps" without heavy development, has released a new version of its software offering that aims to help enterprises reduce (or eliminate potentially) the problems associated with the increase in outsourcing to third-party providers and employees working remotely. 

The recent release introduces Time Entry, a new pre-built micro app for time sheet reporting.

Creating a user-friendly mobile experience for time sheets is a challenge because workers may report time against multiple projects. The Time Entry micro app includes a daily view with the option to see and enter information relevant to the present working day; add and delete projects; easily navigate between days of the week as well as past and future weeks; and more.

Improvement in time sheet reporting could help organizations accelerate time-to-cash for billable services and supports corporate compliance initiatives, but to date, a lack of mobile access to time sheets has become a significant business problem. That's what Capriza hopes to change with this new feature from its latest release.
