Who Are the Top Mobile Advertising Influencers? [Infographic]

Mobile devices have dramatically changed how consumers interact with brands and each other. 


What's more, mobile adoption has dramatically impacted where businesses spend their ad dollars - with mobile ad spending expected to hit $18 billion in 2014. Impact Radius decided to look into the top mobile advertising influencers, defined as someone who is able to generate reactions when talking mobile advertising, has a large audience or base of followers and has a high degree of participation in a conversation on a given subject.


Using influencer discover and engagement tools like Twitter, Traackr, Facebook, Quora, Google and more, all candidates named in the infographic below were carefully vetted for their topical expertise and scored based on measures such as social footprint, popularity among citations by industry insiders, retweet frequency and related other social factors. 


"We are excited to conduct the study and help people navigate this fast moving space," said Per Pettersen, CEO, Impact Radius. "Most of our global brand and agency customers have a mobile strategy in place for 2014 and would like to expand their mobile advertising efforts, but need advice on how to best take advantage of the medium.  I hope this list helps them build their knowledge and ultimately their expansion into our multi-device world."



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