Map Your Twitter Followers

Do you happen to know the geographic location of your Twitter followers? Probably not, but that ends today as we introduce you to, a site which shows exactly where in the world your Twitter fans are located.

If you have never thought much about the location of your followers that information could prove to be quite useful - particuarly if you are curious about the best time to be tweeting, or are interested in building a following in a specific location (perhaps with some relevant tweets).

Simply log-in to MapMyFollowers with your Twitter account and you'll be able to view a Google Map with markers of your followers - up to 1,000 of them. The site/service even provides a section on common follower terms which is interesting.

MapMyFollowers was built by Scotia Systems, a design firm in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia.

Below is the distribution of @WebsiteMagazine followers courtesy of the service. We clearly have a lot of work to do in Africa, Russia, China and Iceland.

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