Lifesta and SocialSteals Both Hit the Deal Deadpool

Prepare yourself for an influx of daily deal sites hitting the dead pool in the coming months.

The latest is Lifesta, a secondary market used to buy and sell daily deal vouchers.

Visitors to Lifesta will no longer be able to buy or sell vouchers, but user accounts are going to remain active until early March. During that time, users can download vouchers already purchased and manage vouchers for sale. In an email to customers, Lifesta even went as far as providing a few suggestions for its users to turn to including DealsGoRound, CoupRecoup and CityPockets.

Lifesta joins SocialSteals in the dead pool. SocialSteals, which launched in 2010 and provided access to deals in the Long Island, NY area

Whether the departure of Lifesta and SocialSteals is an indication of cooling in the daily deals market or if the sites were mismanaged (or ill-conceived) from the start is anyone guess, but fewer vendors in the market should enable the best to stand out in the future.

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