Facebook has announced new updates to its privacy features that will give users more control over the way things are shared.
Some of the new changes are similar to Google Plus' Circles, making it possible for users to decide exactly who can view shared items like posts, photos, tags and other content.
These changes moved some of the privacy controls inline from the settings page, so now when posts are created, users will also decide who will be able to view specific posts with a dropdown menu that is located below the post. The dropdown menu gives the options for posts to be shared with everyone, friends of friends, friends or the ability to customize who will see the post.
Improvements have also been made with tagged photos. Instead of logging into Facebook and being surprised by random tagged photos that have appeared on your wall, users will now have the ability to approve tagged photos before they are displayed.
Additional changes include the ability for users to view their profile as another person with a "View Profile As..." button, as well as better options regarding location.
Previously locations could only be added through a smart phone, but now location can be added to anything- including previous posts. Soon the "places" option will be removed from smart phones.
Lastly, we noticed this change a few weeks ago- a recommendation option on business pages. This option provides a little box that is visible on the right-hand side of a business page, which allows someone to leave a recommendation.
By making a recommendation, consumers are sharing their comments with their friends and that business's fans. The feature kind of brings back the "share" feature that allowed someone to share a business with their friends.
Take advantage of this feature by visiting your favorite business pages, and feel free to drop by our page and recommend us.