6 Time-Saving Chrome Extensions for Social Media Managers

:: Disha Dinesh, Godot Media ::

Social media managers waste a substantial amount of time moving between platforms, apps and tabs. You can save that time by using nifty extensions on your browser and invest it elsewhere. 

There are several Chrome extensions that facilitate different functions. Some of them offer you quick analytics, while others help you source engaging content for social media pages, or store it for future use. 

This is a list of six top Chrome extensions for social media managers. 

1. OneTab

Many social marketers spend a lot of time browsing for top-notch content to post to their pages, and more time reading through the content that they discover (to ensure it's something they want to - or should - share). If you are one of them, you probably have at least 10 tabs open at any given time. It is difficult to keep track of what you have on each tab. Sometimes, you end up losing great content to an absent mind or accidental exiting. OneTab can prevent that from happening. 

When you have too many tabs open in a browser, click on OneTab's extension. The tabs will collapse into one page containing a list of the URLs of all the tabs you had open. To access them, you can either restore them individually or all at once. You can also export a file with the URLs and share them with teammates. The tool also saves up browser memory and improves your browsing experience. 

2. Moz Bar

Social media managers often need to analyze pages and social media posts, and determine their authority. Using a Chrome extension can speed up that process. 

The MozBar gives you the Page Authority and Domain Authority of any search engine result page (SERP). It also lets you compare link stats across pages on any SERP. You can use the extension's on-page highlighter to locate and highlight specific types of links on a page - internal, external, followed and no-followed. You can also use the tool to access some social metrics like Facebook likes and Google+ shares on pages without having to scroll through them. 

3. DrumUp

Some social managers spend hours searching for great content to post on their social pages. DrumUp is a content curation app that can simplify the process for you. 

This tool's Chrome extension allows you to bookmark content while browsing, so you can retrieve it at a later date for use. The tool also doubles up as a social media manager that lets you schedule content from the library you build while browsing. The bookmarked posts can be saved in specific categories so they become easy to find when needed.  


Creating an image can be taxing, but unavoidable because posts with images attract more activity than posts without them. One of the easiest ways to add a visual to your social media post without working on one with your team is to use a GIF.

GIPHY stores a wide range of GIFs that can be searched through its Chrome extension. You can use emotion or action words as tags to find engaging GIFs. Once you have chosen a GIF, you can drag it into your social media post. A lot of brands use them when interacting with fans on social. 

5. Social Analytics

Social analytics gives you access to the number of social media shares any page has. The tool displays share stats for LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Delicious. For Facebook, the tool displays comments, likes and shares. 

Interestingly, this tool collects data real-time, so it gives you the latest numbers. Also, you not only get to monitor your page (on which you may have a share counter installed), but any page on the Internet. 

6. RiteTag

RiteTag crawls through your social media post and recommends hashtags to use to amplify the post. Once you have chosen a hashtag, the tool gives real-time analytics on it, like the impressions the hashtag gets hourly. 

Alternatively, you can also use the tool to create memes and @mention influencers. The extension also has hashtag optimization suggestions that you can use to increase the exposure of your post. 

Optimizing Your Time, Increasing Your Insights

All you have to do is install these extensions and get accustomed to using them for your work. You are sure to notice a substantial amount of time being saved and more insight into your social media efforts.  Author bio: 

Disha Dinesh is a content writer at Godot Media, a leading content agency. Her interests include social media and content marketing. When she's not writing, she's on the hunt for social media trends and inspiration. 

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