12 Most Important Google Webmaster Help Videos from 2013

Google's Matt Cutts produces numerous videos each year, educating webmasters on what the search engine considers best practice when it comes to search engine optimization.


As Website Magazine winds down its coverage of 2013 and search engine optimization related news for the year, we thought we'd take an opportunity to highlight what we believe to be some of the most important Google Webmaster Help videos (featuring Cutts) throughout the year. Many of Cutt's Webmaster Help videos were featured right here on Website Magazine but still others are available which Internet professionals should definitely not miss.

The videos range in sophistication from the basic to the advanced, and cover a number of important topics including content, redirects, comments, meta descriptions, design and a whole lot more. Only a handful of videos are actually listed below; others are links to the posts at WebsiteMagazine.com where the video was embedded.

How many links on a page should we have? Is there a limit?




Is there an SEO disadvantage to using responsive design instead of separate mobile URLs?



What should a site owner do if they think they might be affected by Panda?



Does Google take action on automatically generated pages that provide no added value?



What are common mistakes you see from people using the disavow links tool?



What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?