Eighty-six million strong, millennials are an important target this holiday season.
Most marketers and retailers, however, don't know how to effectively engage this valuable demographic. For the majority, Campaigner's recent news around these 18-34 year olds can help.
First and foremost, Campaigner's survey of this consumer group revealed that of the millennials that own mobile devices, nearly nine in 10 (85.7 percent) use email on their mobile phone and, to date, more have made purchases directly from a mobile marketing email than any other generation.
"Members of the Millennial generation are hands-down the most active mobile users and consumers in the world, and they will soon become the heart-and-soul of the mobile commerce economy," said E.J. McGowan, General Manager of Campaigner. "This generation is a game-changer for retailers and they will need to approach targeting this valuable demographic from all angles - mobile design, personalization, social, and content that engages. It will be an exercise utilizing the best mobile email marketing practices, and Campaigner is here to help lead them to success."
Highlights of the report can be seen in the infographic below. In the meantime, review Campaigner's top three tips for breaking through the mysterious mobile millennial:
To capture the attention of the most socially networked generation to date, give them an easy way to share great sales or promotions. Dedicating a small amount of space in a mobile marketing email for potential customers to share information on their social networks is an easy effort to make as a means to increase your millennial customer base. If you really want to get them hooked - set up a rewards program for sharing.
Since millennials are exceptionally mobile-savvy, they lose patience with clunky, non-mobile optimized emails in an instant. Make sure the size and style of the fonts used is readable, use big call-to-action buttons for easy tapping and mobile devices, and always ensure that mobile marketing emails link back to a mobile-optimized site or landing page.
The last thing you want a millennial to do is not to open your email - or worse - read your email headline, and delete it because it doesn't relate to them. Millennials have grown up in the age of on-demand, personalized everything, so it's critical to go the extra mile with personalization in an effort to impress and/or reassure them that you know what they want, when they want it, before they even do.