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3 B2B-Specific Website Lead-Gen Tips

Written by Larry Alton | May 15, 2017 5:00:00 AM

With all of the different touchpoints you now have with your audience, it can be easy to forget about your website. This is unfortunate since research continues to show that a company's website is one of the most important factors in the conversion process.

If you aren't optimizing your site with B2B lead generation in mind, you're missing out.

3 Valuable Lead Gen Tips That are Proven to Work

Your website is your little virtual piece of real estate on the Web. It is the one thing you can control without the interference of other parties. So, it stands to reason that you would want to maximize its value as a B2B lead generation tool.

Here are a few relevant steps your business can take in order to engage and convert website leads in 2017 and beyond.

  1. Adopt a Mobile First Mentality

    According to research conducted by Dialpad, 81 percent of today's workers now spend less than 40 hours per week at their desks. For B2B organizations, in particular, this makes mobile devices an extremely important point of interaction.

    Responsive Web design is pretty standard in today's marketplace, but there's a difference between developing a responsive website and adopting a mobile-first mentality. A responsive website simply means your site has a consistent user experience across different devices. A mobile first mentality means you're actually developing content and conversion strategies with mobile users in mind (before desktop ones).

  2. Simplify Your CTAs

    One of the biggest mistakes businesses make on their websites is including too many calls-to-action. Not only are there too many calls on a given page, but they're often inconsistent. This does nothing but confuse visitors and make them wonder what you're really offering them.

    At the very most, you should have two or three different calls. One could be a call to contact you, another could be an instruction to opt-in to an email list and a third could be an option to request a quote. Don't, however, make the mistake of having five or six different calls-to-action on a single page. In your pursuit of engaging prospects, you're actually driving them away.

  3. Provide a Reason to Believe

    You can have the best copywriting in the world, but if you're the only one speaking to the value of your products and services, are you really giving customers a reason to believe in your brand?

    Everything you say is taken with a grain of salt; customers recognize it's naturally biased. In order to provide unbiased information, look for opportunities to leverage social proof. One technique a lot of B2B companies are using is influencer marketing (something that's traditionally utilized in B2C marketing).

    "Connecting with influencers to share your brand's content (like case studies, white papers, etc.), endorse your brand at networking events and conferences, or feature your brand on their own website or in a column for a major publication are effective ways to leverage the power of social proof through influencers," brand relations strategist Ashley Carlisle explains.

    If your business operates in a small niche, influencer marketing is particularly valuable. The audience may be smaller, but individuals with a strong reputation likely have much more influence over their followers. You don't want to ignore this opportunity.

Don't Devalue Your Website Any Longer

It's time to stop doing your business a disservice by placing your website low on your list of priorities. Your website is one of the more influential pieces you have in the entire B2B lead generation funnel. Treat it as such and make sure you're doing everything possible to bring your website up to date with modern web design, content optimization and funnel strategies. 

About the Author

Larry Alton is a professional blogger, writer and researcher who contributes to a number of reputable online media outlets and news sources. In addition to journalism, technical writing and in-depth research, he's also active in his community and spends weekends volunteering with a local non-profit literacy organization and rock climbing. Follow him on  Twitter and  LinkedIn.