In 2016, consumers received/sent an average of 98.9 emails a day - a figure that is expected to rise to 117.7 by 2019.
For those currently in front of their work computer or on their mobile device, that number might seem a little low considering how often we interact with our inboxes. On the consumer side, we can likely agree that it is not how many emails we get, but who they come from and the message being delivered. We're happy to interact with emails from our favorite brands when they have something important to say. For instance, the infographic below states that 90 percent of consumers choose to receive email newsletters from their favorite brands with only 10 percent choosing Facebook to receive updates.
So, as an email marketer how do you build a list of people who care to receive notifications from your brand?
Campaigner provides the following infographic with some suggestions.
Head of analyst relations, public relations, customer advocacy (People Heroes), customer community, content marketing (full funnel/lifecycle), content operations and optimization, reputation management and social media. Leads a team of nine superstars to exceed our goals multi-fold.