Controlling Cloud Costs; Staying One Step Ahead of Expenses

The cost of operating your Web business in the cloud is important to monitor as competition among the main providers seems to be perpetually in flux (some are raising prices, others lowering prices, and everyone it seems is going to per-minute and even per-second billing).
Fortunately, there are some solutions that aim to help companies control their cloud expenditures.
Digital Fuel, for example, recently announced some new updates to its Financial Intelligence product that will add a single view of spend across multiple clouds, automated data collection from Azure and enhancements to AWS data collection.
The new Multi-Cloud dashboard will essentially provide teams with one place to go to understand the public cloud spend across IT and the organization. The dashboard shows how much is being spent, identifies the highest spend and indicates whether the organization is spending responsibly.
"Cloud spend is growing fast and organizations struggle to control costs and show the value for the money they are spending on cloud," said Brett Arnott, Digital Fuel's Director of Product Management and Product Marketing. "With these updates, we continue to provide the best solution for managing the total cost of cloud services and clearly showing if cloud adds value to the business. Organizations who use Digital Fuel do not need a separate product to manage cloud expenses."