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Report Reveals Emails Opened Sooner

Written by Pete Prestipino | Nov 10, 2008 6:00:00 AM

MailerMailer published their eighth bi-annual email marketing metrics report today. This study, which analyzes email statistics of over 350 million emails in 21 different industry groups from January to June 2008, uncovered several interesting email marketing trends, including (and most notably) that emails are being opened sooner.

From the release: Among the recent email trends discovered in the research was that people are opening emails sooner; one-third of the study's email messages' opens occur within the first two hours of reception. This is an almost ten percent increase from last year. And as a reprise from last year's shorter subject line length theme, there is a new chart exploring the varying performance of emails with different subject line lengths.

Other key points discussed in the report include how personalization affects open and click rates, the click rates by format, bounce percentage by mailing frequency, total emails opened by hour and open and click rates by list size and industry. MailerMailer CEO Raj Khera comments, "We hope our report encourages email marketers to track, test and continually improve their individual email campaigns." He adds, "Email marketers can implement best practices gathered in this report, while still catering to the unique preferences and nuances of their own audience."

The email metrics report from MailerMailer can be downloaded for free.