Delete that tired old static website background - and get Tubular!
The jquery plugin lets designers/developers use a YouTube video as a Webpage background - how cool is that? Now, I don't have any idea at all how or when this should be used (or if it should be used at all), but you have to admit it's pretty creative and the possibilities are pretty endless if you can find the right situation to use it in. Check out the demo of Tubular, created by Sean McCambridge, here.
Users of Tubular have some control over the options including mute, repeat, play/pause, etc. To get Tubular working, just attach it your website pages wrapper element, set the options, and you're done! Do note that browsers which do not support fixed positioning will not support the plugin.
The plugin, released under the MIT License, can be downloaded at Google Code.
That's not a static image below, that's Tubular - a jquery plugin to add YouTube videos as a website background.