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Engage With a Trunk Full of Videos

Written by Amberly Dressler | Jul 25, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Generate more ad revenue, enhance your Web content and better engage your readers - all with video?

Most online advertising is calculated on a CPM (Cost per Mille) basis. This means that the more people who view a page, and the longer they spend on that page, the more advertising revenue is generated from it.

This is where videos come in. Video increases engagement on a website, meaning that the time spent on a publisher's site increases by more than two minutes when video is part of the core offering. So, what are your options? The most obvious is to produce videos in-house. 

In April of this year, Website Magazine published 10 Tips for Overnight Web Video Superstardom, which serves as a terrific starting point for creating, hosting and promoting Web videos. 

If your enterprise wants to take a different path, however, there are services like startup VideoElephant, which provided the graphic in this article, that can help. VideoElephant is basically the iStockphoto or Shutterstock for video. 

VideoElephant offers more than 50,000 premium short-form videos for instant purchase and download to help companies generate more ad revenue, enhance their Web content and better engage their readers. VideoElephant operates with a subscription-based business model.