Content discovery and advertising solution Taboola has launched a new solution, dubbed Feed, that will enable Web publishers to implement a continuous scrolling feed of ads and content.
Web visitors will now be able to scroll infinitely after reading a publisher's content and discover additional information including videos, products, app and downloads.
The interface of the Feed surfaces 'cards' of this different information and formats. Publishers will have full control over which cards should be organic (their own editorial content) and which cards should be sponsored (paid by marketers/advertisers).
The result of such a feature, according to Taboola, is encouragement for readers to spend more time on site and within the publisher's own environment - and it appears to be working.
Since integrating the new Taboola Feed on its pages last month, for example, New York Daily News saw an uplift in revenue of 26 percent, and an engagement increase of 40 percent on mobile.
Digital marketing executive with proven experience in all aspects of search engine optimization (SEO), performance-based advertising, consumer-generated/social media, email marketing, lead generation, Web design, usability, and analytics. - 20-year Internet marketing veteran, currently serving as the Digital Marketing Campaign Manager at Antenna Group (formerly Chicago Digital). - Former Editor-In-Chief of Website Magazine, and a regular speaker on Web technology digital marketing strategy - Author of several books on digital marketing Including Web 360: The Fundamentals of Web Success; Affiliate 360: The Fundamentals of Performance Marketing; Domains 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names, and SEO 360: The Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization.