Pinterest Proves It's for Men Too

Pinterest isn't just for women - an idea the social media network is seemingly trying to prove with its recently improved Guided Search.


Pinterest provided the example of when a user searches for "watch." Previously, the search results would return mostly women's watches. Now, men will see Pins and guides inspired by what other men have Pinned. It should be noted that if a man is shopping for a female friend, they can use the guides (that appear at the top of the results) to fine-tune his search. 



For retailers, the improved Guided Search ensures their products are getting in front of the most relevant audience, further reason to ensure they have a presence on Pinterest (check out five Pinterest strategies for merchants here).  


 If Pinterest, however, doesn't pick up on a user's gender, he or she can always set their preferred gender in their settings. Users also have the ability to set whether they would like Pinterest to use their recent behavior (sites they've visited or info from ad partners) to personalize their experience within the app or on the site. 



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